Coaching in Neath (Wales), Edinburgh (Scotland) and online

Do you find it difficult to manage your time at work? Does your job or workplace make you feel anxious? Do you find it challenging managing workplace relationships? Or do you feel there are obstacles preventing you from achieving your potential at work?

Through coaching, you will find ways of managing aspects of your career or your professional development so you can achieve the success you know you are capable of. As a coach, I use a person centred approach, working with you on the issues that you are struggling with. You are in control, and I am there to help you gain a fresh perspective and find your own solutions from within.

To help you, I draw on a range of different approaches and I use a variety of techniques to offer a bespoke coaching service (e.g. psychometric profiling) whether you have a specific goal in mind or you feel that your professional development or career progression is not where you want it to be. When we work together, there are often tasks that you can do in between sessions (such as working on SMART targets) so you can overcome your difficulties and achieve your potential.

Initial consultation

Before we can begin working together, there is a free 30 minute consultation. This gives me the opportunity to find out about you, your background and any goals that you may have. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions about coaching so you feel confident and comfortable should we decide to work together.

Issues I can help with:

  • Leadership coaching
  • Life coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Career Development coaching
  • Executive coaching
  • Menopause Coach
  • Career Development
  • Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Difficult Conversations

Fees and availability

To create a bespoke coaching program for you and your goals may need short term coaching or something longer term. It may also be necessary to use a range of strategies and tools to help you gain a deeper understanding. For this reason, the cost of a coaching program for you is dependent on your situation and goals. Please contact me about fees for creating a bespoke coaching program.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling, coaching or supervision works. This enables us to discuss whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right coach or psychotherapist to help. You can also call me on 07870386525.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

We can work together online, via Zoom, on the telephone, or you can visit my consultation room for in person coaching or counselling. I have a safe, comfortable and discrete consultation room in Bronleigh House in Neath (Wales) which is a multi-use facility which may help you feel more comfortable about visiting a counsellor or coach.

There is free parking available and a coffee shop on site. It is also accessible by public transport.

I am available from Monday – Friday, from 9am – 6pm.

I also work from Edinburgh and can arrange face to face there.

©Yvonne Inglis

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